Websites and Social Media

District 1 Website & Communication Chair:
Mary Knight, Zonta Club of Quaboag Valley, MA USA

Websites (Information source)
Zonta International, Zonta District 1, and each Zonta Club have a website. Why? Among the top four reasons:
Share their location, project focus, story, mission, goals and leadership;
Drive interest and help bring in new partners, supporters, and members;
Build credibility and expand reach;
Provide resources for members.

Social Media  (FaceBook, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter)
Zonta International covers all Social Media; Zonta District 1 primarily uses Facebook and LinkedIn. Why social media?
Reach a wider audience to engage with supporters, raise awareness (advocacy), and promote fundraising initiatives
Communicate important information to many people quickly
Develop a greater sense of community as we tell our story
Increase brand awareness while recruiting donors, supporters, and members

Which medium should be used to promote your club, projects, and events in your communities and beyond?
As many as possible to reach the greatest audiences.  Learn about creating a simple media plan and where to find local talent to help in this document:

click to open


Resources and Links

Managing Your ‘MyZonta’ Account at

Edits or additions for the pages – email

Low Cost Media Attention